Thursday, May 1, 2008

I actually agree with Obama!

The retraction of the "Gas Tax" that McCain and Hillary are pandering to the American public is a terrible idea on several levels. It will hardly reduce prices, will contribute to more driving, more traffic, more pollution, and more "global warming" (assuming it exists and is a problem, the jury is still out). It also does nothing to increase innovation in alternative strategies, which the gas tax should be used to fund, and does nothing to decrease our reliance on foreign oil. It's a purely political move and should not be supported.

The failure of the United States to develop a new energy policy since 1970 will be seen as incredibly irresponsible and a travesty. It has allowed Saudi Arabia to bankroll radical Wahabbi Islam all over the planet. Fix our energy policy, and we will win the long war against radical Islam. Don't fix it, and I don't think we have a chance.

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